Reseeding the 3Bs

Despite the bitter wind half a dozen enthusiastic rewilders turned out to give the
3Bs Community Wildlife Garden behind the Methodist Church some maintenance. Much of the rough grass on the banks was strimmed off (and removed) and the entire 'annuals' wildflower patch was dug over and re-seeded with what should be a brightly coloured display of poppies, cornflowers, corncockle and corn marigolds. 

Meanwhile packs of wildflower seeds for families to plant in small plots in their own gardens were left out for collection outside the Methodist Church, in Oak Grange and outside Jill and Andy's at the end of the high Street. By lunchtime, the majority of the packs had been taken so we look forward to seeing some photos of  'private' displays in due course.

A further strip of land has now been offered for planting close to the school. It needs some work but if you are prepared to remove turf from 1 sqm of this area, please let us know.  Jill has kindly set up a new email address: so please use this to respond, and until the new address becomes established please also copy your reply to 

Mark is currently in contact with Cotswold AONB who are managing a major wildflower scheme to see if any further seeds might be available. If these have all been distributed, Greening Mickleton might crowdfund for another batch of seeds. We still have until the end of the month to do some further planting.

Just a reminder that whilst currently subject to COVID regulations, the 3Bs is open for all to use. We are grateful to Jill & Andy, Guy, Stan and Melanie for their hands-on support today.


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