
Showing posts with the label No Mow May – every flower counts
How to get X10 more bees in your 'locked down' garden May is the time when many of us get on with jobs in the garden including competing with our neighbours for that classic British ‘bowling green’ stripe. Many of us have had no choice letting our hair grow during lockdown. Why not break with tradition and do the same for at least a small part of your garden? And that includes dandelions! Traditionally this is the time of year when a whole host of lawnmowers begin to appear in British gardens. I say ‘traditionally’ as the temperature here this morning is 6C!  Nevertheless I am already beginning to see some colour emerging on the wild flower patch I planted here a year ago.  Research undertaken by citizen scientists across the UK who have taken part in  the largest-ever survey of the humble lawn  Plantlife’s  Every Flower Counts   - reveal not only the astonishing diversity of wild flowers growing on Britain’s lawns, but that incredibly simple changes in mowing can result in eno