Conservationists of the future?

In his last letter to his wife before he died on the Antarctic Expedition to the North Pole in 1912, Captain Robert Scott included these words "make the boy interested in natural history if you can; it is better than games". In our present generation we might add 'computer games'!

Sir Peter Scott, Founder of the Wildflower and Wetlands Trust, and Co-Founder of WWF International (now the World Wide Fund for Nature) eventually became the first conservationist to receive a Knighthood for his services to conservation. Peter carried this passion for communication throughout his life and took every opportunity to ensure that there was an educational element to all the conservation programmes with which he was involved.

What better way to interest our youngsters at Mickleton Primary School in 'natural history' than to involve them in planting wildflowers. This is exactly what took place in school today with the encouragement of the Head Teacher and the enthusiastic practical support of Mrs Rawlings and her colleagues. And how appropriate that the beautiful mosaic on the wall next to their plot (see above - though too small to enjoy the intricate detail), includes hedgehogs, bees and caterpillars!  

This special area has been prepared in the main playground enabling close monitoring as the seeds germinate and hopefully this will encourage all the pupils take even more interest in the packets of seeds they received just before Easter to grow in their gardens, or in a large pot. 

Watch this space in a few months time when hopefully that bed of soil will look very different.


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